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## -*-Tcl-*- (install)
# ###################################################################
# Alpha - new Tcl folder configuration
# FILE: "ftpMenu.tcl"
# created: 20/7/96 {6:02:55 pm}
# last update: 05/12/1999 {22:01:37 PM}
# Description:
# ###################################################################
alpha::menu ftpMenu 0.1.2 global "•141" {} {ftpMenu} {} uninstall {this-file} \
help {[editMark [file join $HOME Help "Alpha Manual"] "Ftp Browser" -r]}
hook::register savePostHook ftpPostHook
proc ftpMenu {} {}
proc ftpPostHook {name} {
global fetched
if {[info exists fetched($name)]} {
set specs $fetched($name)
# backwards compatibility
if {[lindex $specs 4] == ""} {
lappend specs "ftp"
set fetched($name) $specs
message "Updating '[file tail $name]' on [car $specs]…"
if {[string length [lindex $specs 1]]} {
ftpStore $name [lindex $specs 0] "[cadr $specs]/[file tail $name]" [caddr $specs] [cadddr $specs]
} else {
ftpStore $name [lindex $specs 0] "[file tail $name]" [caddr $specs] [cadddr $specs]
proc rebuildFtpMenu {} {
global savedMounts recentMounts ftpMenu useCache
Menu -n $ftpMenu -p ftpMenuProc {
markMenuItem -m $ftpMenu "Use Cache" $useCache
if {[info exists savedMounts]} {
foreach m [lsort -ignore [array names savedMounts]] {
addMenuItem -m -l "b " $ftpMenu $m
if {[info exists recentMounts]} {
addMenuItem -m $ftpMenu "(-"
foreach m [lsort -ignore [array names recentMounts]] {
addMenuItem -m -l "b " $ftpMenu $m
if {![info exists useCache]} {set useCache 1}
app::registerMultiple ftp [list Arch FTCh] [list •141 •315] rebuildFtpMenu
proc mountPoints {} {
global savedMounts recentMounts
if {[info exists recentMounts]} {
if {[info exists savedMounts]} {
set l [concat [array names recentMounts] [array names savedMounts]]
} else {
set l [array names recentMounts]]
} else {
set l [array names savedMounts]
return [lsort $l]
proc ftpMenuProc {menu item} {
global modifiedVars modifiedArrVars savedMounts recentMounts PREFS fetched HOME ftpMenu useCache createFtpType
switch -- $item {
help {
editMark [file join $HOME Help "Alpha Manual"] "Ftp Browser" -r
browse {
eval ftpBrowse [lrange [getLogin {Browse remote machine:} 0] 0 3]
browseCurrent {
if {[info exists fetched([win::Current])]} {
eval ftpBrowse $fetched([win::Current])
} else {
beep; message "'[win::CurrentTail]' not from remote host."
browseMounts {
set l [mountPoints]
set res [listpick -p "Mount point:" $l]
if {[info exists recentMounts($res)]} {
eval ftpBrowse $recentMounts($res)
} else {
eval ftpBrowse $savedMounts($res)
addMountPoint { addMountPoint }
makePermanent { makeMountPermanent }
createFileset { newFileset ftp }
removeMountPoint {
set pt [listpick -p "Remove which mount point?" [lsort -ignore [array names savedMounts]]]
unset savedMounts($pt)
removeArrDef savedMounts $pt
saveAsAt {
global fetched PREFS
set name [prompt "Name:" [win::CurrentTail]]
set point [listpick -p "At which mount point?" [mountPoints]]
if {[info exists recentMounts($point)]} {
set specs $recentMounts($point)
} else {
set specs $savedMounts($point)
# backwards compatibility
if {[lindex $specs 4] == ""} {
lappend specs "ftp"
set name [file join $PREFS ftptmp $name]
set fetched($name) $specs
message "Saving '$name' on [car $specs]…"
if {![file exists $name]} {
set fid [open $name w]
close $fid
saveAs -f "$name"
set num 0
set pathname [lindex $specs 1]
for {set i [expr [string length $pathname] - 1]} {$i >= 0} {incr i -1} {
scan $pathname "%c" char
incr num $char
set nm [file join $PREFS ftptmp listing.$num]
catch {rm $nm}
setWinInfo platform $createFtpType
setWinInfo dirty 1
setDefaults {
global ftpDefaults modifiedVars
set ftpDefaults [lrange [getLogin "Enter defaults that you wish saved:" 0] 0 3]
lappend modifiedVars ftpDefaults
flushCache { rm [file join $PREFS ftptmp *]; catch {unset recentMounts}; rebuildFtpMenu }
useCache {
set useCache [expr 1 - $useCache]
markMenuItem -m $ftpMenu "Use Cache" $useCache
lappend modifiedVars useCache
default {
if {[info exists recentMounts($item)]} {
eval ftpBrowse $recentMounts($item)
} else {
eval ftpBrowse $savedMounts($item)
proc ftpFilesetOpen {menu item} {
global gfileSets PREFS fetched fileSetsExtra
set ind [lsearch $gfileSets($menu) "$item"]
if { $ind < 0 } { set ind [lsearch $gfileSets($menu) [file join * $item]] }
if {$ind >= 0} {
set f [lindex $gfileSets($menu) $ind]
set lnm [file tail $f]
regsub -all {:} $f {/} f
set nm [file join $PREFS ftptmp $lnm]
set specs $fileSetsExtra($menu)
# backwards compatibility
if {[lindex $specs 4] == ""} {
lappend specs "ftp"
set fileSetsExtra($menu) $specs
if {![file exists $nm]} {
ftpFetch $nm [car $specs] $f [caddr $specs] [cadddr $specs]
edit -w $nm
set fetched($nm) $specs
proc ftpCreateFileset {} {
global gfileSets gfileSetsType PREFS fileSetsExtra
set specs [getLogin]
set name [car $specs]
set host [cadr $specs]
set path [caddr $specs]
set user [cadddr $specs]
set password [caddddr $specs]
set pattern "^[prompt {Name pattern?} {.*.[ch]}]$"
set path [string trimright $path {/}]
set fileSetsExtra($name) [list $host $path $user $password "ftp"]
if { ![file exists [file join $PREFS ftptmp]] } {
file mkdir [file join $PREFS ftptmp]
set nm [file join $PREFS ftptmp listing.$path]
ftpList $nm $host $path $user $password
set files {}
foreach f [processListing $nm] {
if {![string match {*/} $f] && [regexp -- $pattern $f]} {
lappend files "$path/$f"
regsub -all {/} $files {:} files
global gfileSets gfileSetsType
set gfileSets($name) [lsort -command sortByTail $files]
set gfileSetsType($name) ftp
if {[askyesno "Save project fileset?"] == "yes"} {
addArrDef gfileSetsType $name ftp
addArrDef gfileSets $name $gfileSets($name)
addArrDef fileSetsExtra $name $fileSetsExtra($name)
return $name
proc processListing {path} {
set fd [open $path "r"]
set lines [split [read $fd] "\n"]
close $fd
set files {}
if {[llength $lines]} {
if {[string length [lindex $lines 0]] <= 10} {
set lines [cdr [lreplace $lines end end]]
} else {
set lines [lreplace $lines end end]
foreach f $lines {
set nm {}
regexp {[A-Z][a-z]+ [0-9, ]+ [0-9,:]+ (.*)$} $f dummy nm
if {[string length $nm]} {
if {[string match "d*" $f]} {
if {![string match "." $nm] && ![string match ".." $nm]} {
lappend files "$nm/"
} else {
lappend files $nm
} else {
error "empty list"
return $files
proc getLogin {{prompt {All but 'password' are required:}} {nm 1}} {
global ftpDefaults
if {[info exists ftpDefaults]} {
set defs $ftpDefaults
} else {
set defs {"" "" "" ""}
set left 10
set right 100
set top 10
set bottom 30
set eleft [expr $left + 100]
set eright 370
set incr 30
set height 198
if {$nm} {incr height $incr}
set l "dialog -w 400 -h $height -t [list $prompt] $left $top 400 $bottom"
if {$nm} {
incr top $incr
incr bottom $incr
lappend l -t {Name:} $left $top $right $bottom
lappend l -e {} $eleft $top $eright $bottom
incr top $incr
incr bottom $incr
lappend l -t {Host:} $left $top $right $bottom
lappend l -e [car $defs] $eleft $top $eright $bottom
incr top $incr
incr bottom $incr
lappend l -t {Path:} $left $top $right $bottom
lappend l -e [cadr $defs] $eleft $top $eright $bottom
incr top $incr
incr bottom $incr
lappend l -t {UserID:} $left $top $right $bottom
lappend l -e [caddr $defs] $eleft $top $eright $bottom
incr top $incr
incr bottom $incr
lappend l -t {Password:} $left $top $right $bottom
lappend l -e [cadddr $defs] $eleft [expr $top + 6] $eright [expr $bottom - 12]
incr top [expr $incr + 10]
incr bottom [expr $incr + 10]
lappend l -b "OK" $left $top $right [expr $top + 20]
lappend l -b "Cancel" [expr $left + 200] $top [expr $right + 200] [expr $top + 20]
set res [eval "$l"]
if {[lindex $res end]} {error "Cancel"}
return $res
proc addMountPoint {} {
global savedMounts modifiedArrVars
set res [getLogin]
if {[lindex $res 5]} {
set savedMounts([car $res]) [concat [lrange $res 1 4] "ftp"]
lappend modifiedArrVars savedMounts
proc makeMountPermanent {} {
global recentMounts savedMounts modifiedArrVars
if {![info exists recentMounts]} {
alertnote "You have no temporary mounts."
set res [listpick -p "Make which temporary mount point permanent?" [lsort [array names recentMounts]]]
set name [prompt "Name?" $res]
set savedMounts($name) $recentMounts($res)
unset recentMounts($res)
lappend modifiedArrVars savedMounts
proc ftpPromptBrowse {} {
eval ftpBrowse [lrange [getLogin {Browse remote machine:} 0] 0 3]
proc ftpBrowse {host dir user password {type "ftp"} {fname {}}} {
global PREFS fetched lastFtpDir recentMounts savedMounts useCache
if {![string length $password]} {
set password [dialog::password "Password for ${host}:"]
if {![file exists [file join $PREFS ftptmp]]} {
file mkdir [file join $PREFS ftptmp]
if {$dir == {-}} {
if {![info exists lastFtpDir] || ![string length $lastFtpDir]} {set lastFtpDir ""}
set dir [prompt "'$host' dir:" $lastFtpDir]
set dir [string trimright $dir {/}]
set lastFtpDir $dir
set num 0
for {set i [expr [string length $dir] - 1]} {$i >= 0} {incr i -1} {
scan [string index $dir $i] "%c" char
incr num $char
set nm [file join $PREFS ftptmp listing.$num]
if {!$useCache || ![file exists $nm]} {
ftpList $nm $host $dir $user $password
if {[catch {processListing $nm} listing]} {
alertnote "Error fetching directory '$dir'"
error "Error fetching directory '$dir'"
set files [concat {..} $listing]
if {$fname != ""} {
set file [listpick -L $fname -p "$dir/" $files]
} else {
set file [listpick -p "$dir/" $files]
if {$file == {..}} {
if {[regexp {(.+)/[^/]+} $dir dummy sub]} {
return [ftpBrowse $host $sub $user $password]
} else {
return [ftpBrowse $host "" $user $password]
if {[string match {*/} $file]} {
if {[string length $dir]} {
return [ftpBrowse $host [string trimright "$dir/$file" {/}] $user $password]
} else {
return [ftpBrowse $host [string trimright "$file" {/}] $user $password]
set entry [list $host $dir $user $password $type]
set new 1
foreach name [array names savedMounts] {
if {([car $savedMounts($name)] == [car $entry]) && ([cadr $savedMounts($name)] == [cadr $entry])} {
set new 0
if {$new} {
set recentMounts($dir) $entry
set nm [file join $PREFS ftptmp $file]
if {!$useCache || ![file exists $nm]} {
if {[string length $dir]} {
ftpFetch $nm $host "$dir/$file" $user $password
} else {
ftpFetch $nm $host "$file" $user $password
edit -w $nm
set fetched($nm) [list $host $dir $user $password "ftp"]